
Gabriel de Aragão Drumond

+55 (21) 2223 1504
Life is worth living when you root for it not to end.
Clovis de Barros Filho


Gabriel Aragão is a lawyer focused on solving client demands, with consulting and litigation experience. He is currently part of the Special Situations team at Almeida Advogados, but has also worked with the Civil Litigation and Strategic Civil Litigation teams. He has experience in civil law, corporate law, contracts, consumer law, mining law, and agribusiness law.

Academic Background

Bachelor of Laws from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (PUC-MG).

Postgraduate student in Corporate Law - Instituto Legale.

Postgraduate student in Consulting Law - Instituto Legale.


Portuguese, English, Italian.


  • Brazilian Bar Association, Minas Gerais Section (OAB/MG).

  • Member of the Corporate Law Committee (OAB/MG).

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