
Events 05/04/2021

Webinar “Personal Data Compliance Program Certification: transforming cost into value”

Due to the difficult economic challenges companies have been facing during the pandemics, the efforts towards data protection compliance programs can easily fall out of boards budget preferences. How does a company justify setting up and maintaining well-structured GDPR/LGPD compliance programs instead of cheap, often internal, and temporary solutions?

Achieving official certification is considered a way to transform an unwanted cost into a value-added brand.

The encouragement for the creation of data protection certification mechanisms, seals and classifications is expressly provided in both the LGPD and the GDPR, the last with certification processes has already in place in Europe. The experiences brought by the GDPR allow companies operating Brazil a window to the future as to what challenges and advantages they could face on this regard because of the LGPD.

To talk about those challenges and opportunities, Almeida Advogados Partner head of Digital and Privacy, Marcio Chaves will be presenting along with Dr. Sébastien Ziegler, Chairman of Europrivacy International Board of Experts, and Benjamin Bellity, Partner of Smart Global Governance, during an experience-approach event on April 6, 2021, with the following program:

Personal data protection certification processes – extending Europrivacy GDPR certification to LGPD requirements : Sébastien Ziegler.

Achieving compliance & certification readiness with the help of technological solution : Benjamin Bellity.

Certification processes in light of the LGPD : what to expect? Questions and Answers : Márcio M. Chaves and Leonardo B. Leite, partners of Almeida Advogados.

“Personal data protection certification processes – from the GDPR experience to the LGPD expectations” por Sébastien Z., Chairman of Europrivacy International Board of Experts;

“Achieving compliance & certification readiness with the help of technological solution” por Benjamin Bellity, founding partner and COO of Smart Global Governance;

Certification processes in light of the LGPD : what to expect? Questions and Answers: Márcio M. Chaves and Leonardo B. Leite, partners of Almeida Advogados.

Find the complete event here.